The Buy Me a Beer Economy

A conversation this morning:

Me: “Jim, can I hire you to write a text for the back of my book?”

Jim: “I will write it, but I won’t ask you for money. Your wife is such an amazing resource for the community, and for me. Buy me a beer when we see each other next.”

Could I illustrate the value of networks any better than that? Networks are the people around you, and the people around the people around you. Whether you can invite all your friends to a party in a phone box and still have room to dance, or whether you are afraid there is no stadium in Reykjavík big enough to hold all the people your fiancé wants to invite to your wedding, you have people in your network.

And many of those people want you to be successful. All you have to do is ask whatever it is you need to ask them.

Jim is now writing the blurb of my book So You Think You Can’t Network #SYTYCN. The book invites you to be the powerful networker you could be. It gives you the tools to become a master networker. When you master networking, you can move to a new country and build the relationships with people you know you need – for business, for pleasure and for the quality of life. When you master networking you can make the changes you want in your workplace, you can bring resources into your company, you can involve all the right people in your project.

The great thing about the tools is this: you already have them. You are connected. You know how to ask for things, how to give. You would not be the person you are today, without having involved your network in any number of pursuits – finding a job, finding a life partner, finding a house or even choosing a school. Use the tools, and you will be a master networker. Any time, anywhere, whatever you are up to will be enriched by the people you know and the people they know.


Lin McDevitt-Pugh MBA

My book So You Think You Can’t Network #SYTYCN will be launched on May 29, 2016. I want people to read it and give it away.  I want mastering the gentle art of being connected go viral in 2016.

Ask me about organizing a workshop on Networking and Connecting at your workplace or initiative.


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